Take 1 scoop (2 g) of ALLMAX Citrulline Malate [2:1] up to 3 times daily, upon waking and approx. 45 minutes before training or any intense physical activity. On non-training days, consume prior to meals on an empty stomach. Can be added to pre-workout formulas such as ACUTS and IMPACT PUMP. Citrulline Malate is highly synergistic with Arginine, Beta-Alanine and Creatine supplementation.

Citrulline Malate
CITRULLINE MALATE improves training intensity, endurance and speed of recovery. It performs this through 5 main functions:
1-Increases blood Arginine levels (gram for gram at double the level of Arginine).
2-Increases endothelial Nitric Oxide (NO) levels thereby improving vascular function and blood flow.
3-Improves kidney bicarbonate reabsorption providing a powerful buffer against increasing muscle acidification during intense training.
4-Detoxifies fatigued muscle tissue by removing ammonia (a toxin that can increase 3-fold during intense training).
5-Rapidly replenishes PCr (phospho-creatine) stores, PCr is a key storage of energy muscles tap into.
Aside from assisting with delivery and absorption, the Malate has a critical function in the TCA (or Krebs) cycle that produces energy within the mitochondria. Specific research has shown a 34% increase in the rate of oxidative ATP, 20% increase in post-exercise phosphocreatine recovery and significant reduction in the sensation of fatigue.
Why Choose Citrulline Malate 2:1?
The fact is that most of the research on performance enhancement has been done on Citrulline Malate not just Citrulline on its own. Together with Malate, Citrulline has enhanced stability as a molecule and Malate has been shown in research to have the ability to play a role in Nitric Oxide production. Malate plays a key role in the TCA (or Tricyclic Acid) cycle (also known as the Krebs Cycle) that produces energy in the body. While it is true that Citrulline is the true “driver” of the two and that Malate is more prevalent in the body, so Citrulline Malate 2:1 provides the best of both worlds, stability and effectiveness.
القاهره و الجيزه
الطلبات علي الموقع قبل الساعه الرابعه عصرا
يتوفر التوصيل في نفس اليوم للعملاء الذين يختارون الشحن إلى معظم مناطق القاهرة والجيزة اذ كان طلبك قبل الساعه الرابعه عصرا.
الطلبات علي الموقع بعد الساعه الرابعه عصرا
بتم التوصيل في اليوم التالي للعملاء الذين يختارون الشحن إلى معظم مناطق القاهرة والجيزة اذ كان طلبك بعد الساعه الرابعه عصرا.
مناطق مدينتي و الشروق و العبور و الشيخ زايد و السادس من اكتوبر
يتم التوصيل الي هذه المناطق في خلال يومين من بعد طلبك
المحافظات الاخري
يتم التوصيل لباقي المحافظات في خلال يوم الي اربع ايام من بعد طلبك.
سياسه الاستبدال و الاسترجاع
في هاوس اوف سبلمنتس ، نريدك أن تكون سعيدًا بطلبك إذا لم تكن راضيًا ، فنحن غير راضين . اتصل بفريق خدمة العملاء لدينا في خلال 30 يومًا من استلامك للطلب وسنرد لك كامل ثمن المنتجات*.
*يجب ان يكون المنتج في نفس حالة استلامه.